What really happens in a chemical reaction???

In a chemical reaction, atoms and molecules generally split, swap or decompose structures.Chemical reactions also causes atoms and molecules to combine with other compounds that they like, and form a completely new chemical bond thus creating a totally new substance. Many chemical reactions occurr because of the application of energy- that is, the application of heat or cold. For example, when you cook, cooking is actually a chemical reaction. The same is applied when you freeze something, such as water, to make ice cubes. The components of the ice are the same, but it creates a new substance. THE END!

The importance of knowing your lab equipment

You should always know your lab equipment well before you do any type of experiment because without the proper knowledge of your equipment you will not know how to use your materials or how to correct a mistake that you could make with your equipment.  Science can be fun but it can also be dangerous because you can be working with any kind of objects, chemicals, or minerals that may be able to harm you or someone else.  You must know your lab equipment and how to use it for not only your experiment but also faults that may occur during or after the experiment.  This is why I feel it is important to know your lab equipment.